



Presentation and Symptom Predictors of Coronary Heart Disease in Patients With and Without Diabetes.冠狀動脈心臟病(CHD)之症狀在於糖尿病患及非糖尿病患間的預測報告.MARJORIE FUNK, PHD, RN, FAAN,* JANICE B. NAUM, MSN, APRN, CEN,?KERRY A. MILNER, DNSC, RN,* AND DEBORAH CHYUN, PHD, RN*以上這些皆為人名及其學位,PHD為哲學博士RN 為註冊護士.The aims of this prospective, observational study were to compare: 我們將比較及針對這些觀察與研究:(1)symptom presentation of coronary heart disease (CHD) between patients with and without diabetes and (2) symptom predictors of CHD in patients with and without diabetes(1)CHD的症狀顯示在糖尿病及非糖尿病人的身上和(2)預測在糖尿病及非糖尿病患身上的CHD症狀.?We directly observed 528 patients with symptomssuggestive of CHD as they presented to the ED of a 900-bed cardiac referral center in the northeastern United States.我們直接觀察在美國東北一處有900床的心臟病轉診中心,其中的528位病患這些病人是有著CHD或被懷疑為CHD的患者,There were no significant differences in symptom presentation of CHD between patients with and without diabetes, although patients with diabetes were slightly more likely to present with shortness of breath ( P _ .056). Patients with diabetes reported their symptoms to be more severe compared with those without diabetes ( P _ .036).糖尿病患跟非糖尿病患間在CHD的表現上並無特別不同的病症,雖然在糖尿病患身上會出現一些短促呼吸外.糖尿病病人會比非糖尿病人會顯示出更嚴重的症狀.Neck/throat pain and arm/shoulder pain were of borderline significance in predicting CHD in patients with diabetes ( P_ .059 and P_ .052, respectively).頸部與喉嚨,手臂與肩膀的疼痛是一個測知CHD並伴有隨糖尿病症的重要界定.Classic chest symptoms and diaphoresis were independent predictors of CHD in patients without diabetes ( P_ .002 and P_ .049, respectively). 典型的胸部症候及發汗症狀是一個可獨立的預測此CHD患者是不帶有糖尿病現象的.The perceived severity of symptoms was not predictive of CHD in patients with or without diabetes.但在對於能觀察與理解到的CHD嚴重症狀中,是無法預測此CHD的患者是否有著糖尿病的.Symptoms thought to be diagnostic of CHD are not helpful in patients with diabetes.曾經認為根據症狀來診斷CHD並伴隨糖尿的病患者,是一點幫助都沒有的.Future research should focus on identifying moreuseful predictors of CHD in patients with diabetes.所以在未來應該致力研究出更有效的預估來幫助確認出有著CHD並伴有糖尿病的患者.(Am J Emerg Med 2001;19:482-487. Copyright ? 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company)?以上為出版日期版權及出版公司.




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